Monday, December 20, 2010

31 Day Picture Challenge: Day One

So, I recently noticed that a few of my facebook friends were doing this thing called the "31 Day Picture Challenge," and it seemed pretty fun. Basically, there's a theme for each day, and you post a picture that follows it. Also, I've been looking to get my own blog, and this seems like the perfect excuse. And, I've convinced Hannah and Hillary to join me :)

So, today, December 20th is day one: a picture of yourself with ten facts.

1. My name is Kelsey.
2. I should have been alive during the 1950's.
3. I love to sing.
4. I wish I could speak more languages, especially latin.
5. I wish I played more musical instruments.
6. I desperately want to visit England.
7. My favorite band is absolutely Relient K.
8. I'm obsessed with watching old, classic films.
9. I drink way too many coffee beverages.
10. I am a huge nerd.

Well, that's all for now.

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