Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day Three

Alright, today is day three. Today's theme is: a picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Criminal Minds! I stumbled upon Criminal Minds a little over a year ago, when I was flu-stricken and had nothing to do but watch tv, and since then have been obsessed. I think the way the agents of the BAU profile to solve crimes is super interesting, and I wish Dr. Spencer Reid was my best friend :)
I chose this picture because it contains the characters that matter most, and not any of the ones I don't like. (We miss you, JJ!)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day Two

So, now it is day two of my thirty one day quest. The theme for today is: a picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

My friend, Sarah! Sarah and I first become best friends ten years ago (WOW). And although we haven't stayed consistently best best friends, of all of my friends now, she's the one I've had the longest, and I'm glad we've managed to get back in touch :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

31 Day Picture Challenge: Day One

So, I recently noticed that a few of my facebook friends were doing this thing called the "31 Day Picture Challenge," and it seemed pretty fun. Basically, there's a theme for each day, and you post a picture that follows it. Also, I've been looking to get my own blog, and this seems like the perfect excuse. And, I've convinced Hannah and Hillary to join me :)

So, today, December 20th is day one: a picture of yourself with ten facts.

1. My name is Kelsey.
2. I should have been alive during the 1950's.
3. I love to sing.
4. I wish I could speak more languages, especially latin.
5. I wish I played more musical instruments.
6. I desperately want to visit England.
7. My favorite band is absolutely Relient K.
8. I'm obsessed with watching old, classic films.
9. I drink way too many coffee beverages.
10. I am a huge nerd.

Well, that's all for now.